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The Cultural Revolution in Hangzhou and Zhejiang province









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发表于 2013-12-19 21:25:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[blockquote]It has not been possible to cover in detail events related to the political ructions at West Lake, Hangzhou and Zhejiang province more broadly during the Cultural Revolution era (c. 1964-78). The Australian scholar Keith Forster is noted for his important work in this area and we recommend the following books, articles and chapters.—The Editor
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. W6 M4 C1 }' j) {. hKeith Forster, Rebellion and Factionalism in a Chinese Province: Zhejiang, 1966-76, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1990;Keith Forster, 'Factional Politics in Zhejiang, 1973-1976', in William Joseph, Christine Wong and David Zweig, eds, New Perspectives on the Cultural Revolution, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991, pp.105-30;( E, g3 N4 u: D% o1 G4 |
'Spontaneous and Institutional Rebellion in the Cultural Revolution: The Extraordinary Case of Weng Senhe', The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, No.27 (January 1992): 39-75;8 {8 H: |; q1 _- b
Keith Forster, 'Localism, Central Policy and the Provincial Purges of 1957-58: The Case of Zhejiang', in Tim Cheek and Tony Saich, eds, New Perspectives on State Socialism in China, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1997, pp.191-233;
1 ]# ]8 G% ^% N' G; {8 e
Keith Forster, 'The Cultural Revolution in Zhejiang Revisited: The Paradox of Rebellion and Factionalism, and Violence and Social Conflict amidst Economic Growth', in Kam-yee Law, The Chinese Cultural Revolution Reconsidered: beyond purge and holocaust, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp.133-57;1 \8 A  b' g! C. `+ Q+ F6 a
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Keith Forster, 'The Strange Tale of China's Tea Industry during the Cultural Revolution', in Kam-yee Law, The Chinese Cultural Revolution Reconsidered: beyond purge and holocaust, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp.218-40.
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See also:
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Cheng Chao 程超 and Wei Haoben 魏皓奔,eds, Principal Events of the 'Cultural Revolution' in Zhejiang, May 1966 to October 1976 (Zhejiang 'Wenge' Jishi [1966.5-1976.10] 浙江'文革'纪事 : 1966.5-1976.10), Hangzhou: Zhejiang Fangzhi Bianjibu, 1989.
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