第二,集中批判对史料进行人为加工处理的碎片化错误史料观。毛泽东本人集政治家、军事家、哲学家等多重历史角色于一身,关于他的研究绝对不能停留在抽象逻辑概念的演绎或推理之中,而始终需要扎实史料的支撑。尽管史料的运用无法从根本上摆脱使用者的选择与解读等主观因素影响,但如何避免解读者主观因素的过度介入,进而保证客观历史地呈现史料的意义与价值,构成了史料学研究的重要内容,这也是史家“秉笔直书”的基本素养。然而遗憾的是,张著打着所谓还原历史的幌子,在关于毛泽东研究中史料选择、运用与解读上呈现出巨大的理论缺陷,正如齐慕实所指出的那样,“张著最大的问题就在于对史料理解的片面性与不恰当使用”[15]。张著在史料运用上的历史虚无主义倾向主要体现为如下几个方面:一是在错误理论立场指导下任意选择史料。张著整书的理论基调十分明显,即歪曲丑化毛泽东与中国革命史,因而在史料的选择上存在着严重扭曲的主观化倾向,即凡是符合丑化毛泽东形象的史料照单全收,而呈现毛泽东正面形象的史料则被自动隐身化或视而不见。正如海外学者指出的那样,张著以歪曲历史的方式证明其先在丑化毛泽东的论点,服务于此目的在史料问题上呈现出“选择性运用”的弊病(evidence is used selectively)[16]。二是史料选择的抽象化、真空化倾向。史料是特定历史语境之中的产物,有其历史的生命力与根基。张著在史料的运用上,直接采取真空化方式将史料从其具体语境中抽离出来,将史料直接变成可供研究者任意把玩的无根性浮萍,即不管史料的具体存在情况及其历史背景,只要有助于论证其先在设定的丑化毛泽东形象的论点便可直接加以引用。正如海外有学者所批评的那样,张著错误阅读史料、主观运用史料、抽离史料的具体语境,最终人为让这些史料建构出一副关于毛泽东形象的扭曲化(贬低、否定)存在[17]。三是史料的运用存在主观化建构的不良倾向。服务于张著预设的妖魔化毛泽东之目的,相关史料的选择都是在此逻辑预设的指导下进行剪裁、拼凑,甚至为了服务于此目的,许多材料都是以人为主观化方式所建构出的“伪存在”,书中诸多史料的运用都采取了“孤证”的形式,其真实性根本无从考证。并且,尤其需要指出的是,书中很多史料的采择都使用了“被污染的史料”,诸如国民党的意识形态宣传以及中苏分裂时期苏方的政治宣传史料[18]。
[6]Jung Chug and Jon Halliday,Mao:The Unknown story,New York:Knopf,2005.该书中译本在2006年由香港开放出版社出版印行。
[7]转引自George Benton and Lin Chun(eds.),Was Mao Really a Molter?The Academw 脚0me to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge,2010,P.1.
[8]陈永发:《Jung Chang and Jon Halliday,Mao:The Unknown Story》,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》(台湾)第52期。
[10]Timothy Cheek (ed.),A Critical Introduction to Mao,New York:Cambridge University Press,2010,P.4.
[11]George Benton and Lin Chun(eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge,2010,P. 6.
[12]George Benton and Steve Tsang,“The Portrayal of Opportunism,Betrayal and Manipulation in Mao’S Rise to Power”,in George Benton and Lin Chun (eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge,2010,P.54.
[13]Timothy Cheek, “The New Number One Counter-revolutionary inside the Party:Academic Biography as Mass Criticism”,in George Benton and Lin Chun (eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story, Oxon: Routledge, 2010, P. 56.
[15]Timothy Cheek,“The New Number One Counter-revolutionary inside the Party:Academic Biography as Mass Criticism”,in George Benton and Lin Chun (eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Un known Story, Oxon: Roufledge, 2010, P. 54.
[16]George Benton and Lin Chun (eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge,2010,P.6.
[17]George Benin and Steve Tsang,“The Portrayal of Opportunism,Betrayal and Manipulation in Mao’S Rise to Power”,in George Benton and Lin Chun(eds.),Was Mao Really a Moaster?The Academic Response to Chang and HaUidayb Mao:The Unknown Story.Oxon: Routledge,2010, P. 44.
[18]Timothy Cheek,“The New Number One Counter—revolutionary inside the Party:Academic Biography as Muss Criticism”,in George Benton and Lin Chun (eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Moo:The Unknown Story, Oxon: Routledge,2010, P. 58
[19]George Benton and Steve Tsang, “The Portrayal of Opportunism,Betrayal and Manipulation in Mao's Rise to Power”,in George Benton and Lin Chun(eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge, 2010,P. 54.
[20]Timothy Cheek, “The New Number One Counter-revolutionary inside the Party:Academic Biography as Mass Criti~ ism”,in George Benton and Lin Chun (eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story , Oxon: Routledge,2010, PP. 55—57.
[21]Timothy Cheek,“The New Number One Counter-revolutionary inside the Party:Academic Biography as Mass Criticism”,in George Benton and Lin Chun(eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge,2010,P.60.
[22]Timothy Cheek(ed.),A Critical Introduction to Mno,New York:Camblidge University Press,2010,P.26.
[23]Mobo Gao,“Mao:The Unknown Story:An intellectual scandal”,in George Benton and Lin Chun (eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster? The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:Th e Unknown Story, Oxon:Routledge,2010,PP. 120-123.
[25]Timothy Cheek,“The New Number One Counter-revolutionary inside the Party:Academic Biography as Mass Criticism”,in George Benton and Lin Chun(eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge,2010,P. 62.
[27]George Benton and Lin Chun(eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge,2010,P.3.
[30]George Benton and Steve Tsang,“The Portrayal of Opportunism,Betrayal and Manipulation in Mao’s Rise to Power”,in George Benton and Lin Chun (eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response to Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story.Oxon:Routledge,2010,P.43.
[2]George Benton and Lin Chun(eds.),Was Mao Really a Monster?The Academic Response tO Chang and Halliday's Mao:The Unknown Story,Oxon:Routledge,2010.
[3]Timothy Cheek(ed.),A Critical Introduction tO Mao,New York:Cambridge University Press,2010.