Abstract: This paper centers around the criticism of the so-called “do-it philosophy” in Yan’an’s philosophical circle in 1940s. Special attention will be given to the methodical difference between Yan’an’s philosophy and the “do-it philosophy” and the political connotations such difference may contain. The paper tries to delineate the specific “materialism” as expounded by Chinese Marxists by comparing it with the specific Machiavelli as expounded by Althusser. In light of this, the paper proceeds to explore the inner logic of Chinese communist revolution. In order to put the analysis in a historical perspective, the paper presents the rise of a new social science in 1920s and 1930s and the resulted paradigm change in “understanding China”. It is this paradigm change that constitutes the prelude and preparation for the critical campaign in Yan’an’s philosophical circle.
Keywords:Yan’an’s philosophical circle, do-it philosophy, materialism, social science