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The following is a list of literature of the Great Leap Forward.
3 Z# U' l* l0 x5 L! ]
- z" C5 e) w3 q; [6 fHank
" ^" @; ?; e& U  z: W+ v7 Y8 F; j/ q( I* ~! ~7 s" }2 \- y
Becker, Jasper. Hungry Ghosts: Mao's Secret FamineAuthor. Henry Holt Books for Young Readers, 1998, a9 x8 ^" X& F; ]; ?$ [) B
p130-149 / "Anhui: Let's Talk About Fengyang,"
& p" s: I0 a. D. L/ w2 O
, i/ a6 W+ A9 [  KThomas P. Bernstein. “Stalinism, Famine, and Chinese Peasants: Grain Procurements During the Great Leap Forward.” Theory and Society 13, no. 3 (1984): 339-77.
" _2 o; j0 O! x) k/ z1 Z4 A$ ]# [5 j0 S9 o
Cheek, Timothy. Mao Zedong and China's Revolutions:A Brief History with Documents (The Bedford Series in History and Culture). Palgrave Macmillan, 2002
7 H9 i+ i5 S6 V% P2 r$ e) L  Y( npp. 24-26, 204-209.  Mao Zedong, "Talk at the Beidaihe Conference," in Cheek, pp. 160-166.
/ G, }7 z5 c+ J& I; L& e
# n4 O  g2 Y3 N0 ]4 X4 d% |! c, WDreyer, June Teufel. China’s Political System (6th Edition). Pearson/Longman, 2008/ L0 E8 @" c  W8 a3 U8 j2 K

3 C: Q* N. q* ~4 z; K8 S% aChapter 5- ^6 b4 C! N1 X+ V3 x4 r4 P+ m

- W/ K7 K4 |% W
" b4 F4 o# t% e% m( L( RGrasso, et. al. June. Modernization and Revolution in China: From the Opium War to the Olympics (4th edition).
, H4 L4 P  k3 o. WChapter. 8' h, X0 j. M; G" X# x9 e

% ]8 x1 [" o& D  V$ y1 {: [
, [, X! t0 N0 W6 hHarding, Harry. Organizing China: The Problem Of Bureaucracy, 1949-1976. Stanford University Press, 1981
# a9 @  s' e- |Chapter 6
7 y/ A# \. U3 v% e- @# ~, n, N
) |5 @+ ~; o6 I0 J+ j- y2 E( k1 b' x7 d
Huaiyin Li. Village China under Socialism and Reform: A Micro History, 1948-2008 (Stanford University Press, 2009),3 [* U; P( U: q; @8 N( j) {! @
, ?% t0 q" {+ Q+ `, n
pages: 81-106.+ i4 {. z4 ~. v6 N3 W) c

' b' x) j3 Q3 v0 c* Z8 R
# F5 d' p5 |  k' [Meisner, Maurice. Mao's China and After: A History of the People's Republic, Free Press; 3rd Edition, 1999+ j* q, K. F+ E6 W2 n& J! ?- H' w
; n( ?2 O  |7 T
pages: 204-59, 273-77.3 ]1 E% l+ g6 h$ u0 o& m1 P

( [, [, j) X1 L# Q" T  p5 c7 K' a1 w! ?8 b" _3 S# Q6 _: v! |
Seybolt, Peter J. Throwing the Emperor from His Horse: Portrait of a Village Leader in China, 1923-1995. Westview Press, 19963 v4 n# J/ }; N; I! R/ ~& {4 C
page 31-64
  ~/ Q; v# C. ~5 F. Y8 E
2 e+ p" p' ?3 _( {% {6 m  g% `
2 b0 T* T- k6 QSpence, Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China. New York: Norton, 2001.
8 w7 F( R) M: n& f' ^% ~Chpters 21,22' B, }( u9 R8 y+ H2 ?8 N
6 \2 [5 H' ?5 O1 u9 I8 I' b
- Z- ]9 D$ {- Y5 I: z! m  G
Zhai, Zhenhua. Red Flower of China. Soho Press, 1993' I# Q) p, Q" B  _8 d! Y- n5 l
( Y, H  p/ F# v  m# {
Part 1, pp. 3-52 and Part 2, pp. 55-79.0 v$ j: t' i9 D+ ?4 U' j9 X
2 p+ Y' k  E. S
3 \: Q& ~# F6 ^
Frederick Teiwes, “The Establishment and Consolidation of the New Regime, 1949-57,” in Roderick MacFarquhar, ed., The Politics of China: The Eras of Mao and Deng (Cambridge University Press; 2 edition,1997.
$ F. b- _5 v! U2 |4 i" F$ Epp. 5-86
: F) W% s5 X* U4 e" d
% ?6 X5 W* t4 k) j% zKenneth Lieberthal, “The Great Leap Forward and the Split in the Yan‟an Leadership, 1958-65,” in Roderick MacFarquhar, ed., The Politics of China: The Eras of Mao and Deng (2nd ed.),1 f2 Y" R' t, b8 c
pp. 87-147
+ c! O, K8 V* H2 O. e! u# G
' i. t3 I) ?2 B( u: j
7 m1 ]3 x) D% Y2 W8 {' C0 d$ W
7 W8 N+ y& A9 K) E! J
& T6 b; R" i1 ]3 ?: u0 \) Z, Z; c: y2 D6 q2 G

4 o  b" `$ N& e5 g1. Title: The Maoist hierarchy as seen from Red Flag articles/ `: Q' p8 r& o3 t" C) F
Citation: Peking Informers (Hong Kong) 33, no.8 (Oct 16 1976) 4-6( U0 s4 s! ]1 m0 M8 Q; M
ISSN: 0031-41101 H* U6 v' Y* d
0 I7 C* N6 i& R+ p0 T
2. Title: Red Flag article calls for removal of incompetent Party members
/ J/ G7 G" W, ~Citation: Peking Informers (Hong Kong) 40, no.8 (16 Apr 1980) 5-6" ~' i( G3 H# n. v/ k$ e
ISSN: 0031-4110' {6 U: Y5 O! ^! Z2 Y& Z6 ?
1 Z) @. y# d9 w; ?
3. Title: Changes in Red Flag journal from monthly to bimonthly( ^& f0 k- k( h% k0 U2 p+ I
Citation: Peking Informers (Hong Kong) 40, no.2 (16 Jan 1980) 68 Y8 Z# H" d8 U# `1 P( y
ISSN: 0031-4110
6 D0 D2 \% Z$ ~& d" w3 d9 W& U# G* G. o$ Q

1 M  m$ \, T0 f$ O4. Educational Reforms and the Cultural Revolution: The Chinese Evaluation Process& K& {' K# Q6 F* S4 K
Robert S. Wang
, d9 v  M$ ]9 |% eAsian Survey, Vol. 15, No. 9 (Sep., 1975), pp. 758-7740 T* Z" S& ^  h5 r! g
Published by: University of California Press
5 M5 e. r9 w+ J$ A% M8 M) ?$ W9 ~$ ^1 x2 X- p
5. Chinese-Style Socialism: Some Aspects of Its Origin and Structure
6 l4 B8 |2 X/ Y1 ]Kazuma Egashira# g7 |5 K" W5 K2 `
Asian Survey, Vol. 15, No. 11 (Nov., 1975), pp. 981-995  H% q) x* m, p$ }% x$ W5 k
Published by: University of California Press
" x. S# G7 }5 R5 ^% C1 O. w3 h5 a
6. The Great Leap Forward in China: An Analysis of the Nature of Socialist Transformation
2 D  r! t1 `. a( r$ b- xAuthor(s): Prasenjit Duara5 i$ ]) D* W. l9 y6 R) g( Z
Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 9, No. 32/34, Special Number (Aug., 1974),' c! R' w; \9 ~3 @6 L- ]

* A& c; [7 I1 o: n7. Yang Xianzhen's Critique of the Great Leap Forward" p; ?( a9 z! A( T/ Y3 {
Author(s): Michael Schoenhals
. Q! s% I' {1 {4 T- VSource: Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Jul., 1992), pp. 591-6088 z4 J* i+ C5 P4 t. o
Published by: Cambridge University Press. O' h$ T' [% D' G

( d3 I5 G9 o1 W+ @2 x8. "Red and Expert": The Politico-Ideological Foundations of China's Great Leap Forward
$ D$ o; @" O# o8 a1 T% {+ _Author(s): Richard D. Baum. _8 `7 }  A- p! O
Source: Asian Survey, Vol. 4, No. 9 (Sep., 1964), pp. 1048-10570 y& M$ b4 ~, N; {5 Q% m
Published by: University of California Press+ c  F% d1 e# B# n8 [) m
" f/ s5 r& J% i; P+ K2 |
9. Agricultural Mechanisation in Communist China1 O4 d7 i2 t5 e+ v' e
Author(s): Leslie T. C. Kuo
4 V( H' Y# U) o9 S3 o! e. ]Source: The China Quarterly, No. 17 (Jan. - Mar., 1964), pp. 134-150
7 z* U& \- p: z' h, GPublished by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies8 O% ?( |1 ]6 M6 b
  Y" |: d& L$ @, S# o- _
10. China's Industrial Development, 1958-632 A# k1 c& G3 P+ ?0 Y; T- B
Author(s): Choh-Ming Li
8 ~2 P# f$ l! p0 gSource: The China Quarterly, No. 17 (Jan. - Mar., 1964), pp. 3-38
$ ^" h" ^2 e3 x: L' RPublished by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies9 X6 M7 a$ T2 {3 C/ B  f. V

8 t8 M0 i$ T" D9 c: C. s11. Water Conservancy in Communist China$ D. Z5 Y: V: F- y
Author(s): Wen-Shun Chi$ D: M* l! \1 b/ F: S: l
Source: The China Quarterly, No. 23 (Jul. - Sep., 1965), pp. 37-54
& q3 J3 \3 U) l3 O/ W! x0 f# h" yPublished by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies& ]+ T3 g  e( Q, R, x* Q
7 W* e2 c* {. M( M, n( _
12. The Chinese Communist Youth Movement, 1949-1966* c2 H( T! p3 |3 j, @8 n7 O
Author(s): Victor C. Funnell
$ [7 z" u; w  qSource: The China Quarterly, No. 42 (Apr. - Jun., 1970), pp. 105-130
) E7 ~) d- s- H& ?8 q6 qPublished by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies
  x+ Q% i* T! L1 Z2 @5 A; N4 I1 w' b6 x% c* c+ {
13. Health Policy during the Great Leap Forward
- t" k* V1 U2 L& R, PAuthor(s): David M. Lampton
4 e9 N+ O# C7 Z& A4 M% l) VSource: The China Quarterly, No. 60 (Dec., 1974), pp. 668-698
" y4 s3 p- w# }& c6 K" a5 jPublished by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies
) h: b- ]! M, J; `) b3 Z! L  \: @7 _( Z9 ^! f% Z. s, g  R; e
14. The Hsia Fang System: Marxism and Modernisation
0 @. p2 g% f4 [% G# D0 j3 F/ KRensselaer W. Lee III7 f9 b* `7 n9 J8 w) j) m0 C. Q
The China Quarterly, No. 28 (Oct. - Dec., 1966), pp. 40-62& \9 J8 G5 j7 `
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies  a' Q( Y6 L8 n3 w# |

) }6 k5 e0 c# G0 T15. Traditional Medicine in Communist China: Science, Communism and Cultural Nationalism
. @" j! }  @) J( gAuthor(s): Ralph C. Croizier2 n8 K# [, Y7 u  S5 K+ d; K) n7 f
Source: The China Quarterly, No. 23 (Jul. - Sep., 1965), pp. 1-27
: ]. r" a5 i; E  mPublished by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African
+ S, |9 f. n. d& d; X& K! zStudies
; }/ d4 q2 O  c, w7 p1 z; u
6 [' x( O. O8 [2 A3 y7 E" i, |16. The Ts'an-k'ao Hsiao-hsi: How Well Informed Are Chinese Officials about the Outside World?
( w4 ?2 `; x& v2 C5 xAuthor(s): Henry G. Schwarz
1 Y$ p8 L! U7 lSource: The China Quarterly, No. 27 (Jul. - Sep., 1966), pp. 54-83
5 Q9 N5 ?. W# v3 H- r, IPublished by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies! r5 I, z6 ?! Y( c6 F5 T' ?
. O6 D: j- e* H
17. China's Militia
4 k( D4 t9 W. h4 X; A7 g' w; uAuthor(s): John Gittings
( {& |% A8 q: [; G! YSource: The China Quarterly, No. 18 (Apr. - Jun., 1964), pp. 100-1171 |4 a# c) ^. Z6 S3 E
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies/ ~& h+ x: f9 y- D
; g1 o/ g) b) U, M3 @
18. Rural Administration in Communist China
, O, F% j' A" c4 N& AAuthor(s): Roy Hofheinz
& c, S8 Y& X- @6 g8 P& n( W' t( JSource: The China Quarterly, No. 11 (Jul. - Sep., 1962), pp. 140-159
8 f# a9 C# o6 R/ j$ oPublished by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies1 u/ ^0 U; @8 ~/ u1 |5 E2 k9 H7 J
7 G+ e; W6 n. U: \
19. On Activism and Activists: Maoist Conceptions of Motivation and Political Role Linking State
$ x) `5 Y6 l* V% O5 T- }0 {+ Sto Society
! T/ J* S# e! v, L  v5 uAuthor(s): Richard H. Solomon* h; b4 C/ Y, F3 h: y8 R1 X( k$ @1 ?# h
Source: The China Quarterly, No. 39 (Jul. - Sep., 1969), pp. 76-114# m# n0 @+ t9 Z2 h9 i/ i. H4 H$ t
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies. \2 s% w, y& t9 Z2 V

, B- |1 J/ [" S" ]20. Factory Management and Political Ambiguity, 1961-63
. k( U7 k& e: p9 G' FAuthor(s): Stephen Andors; D: {( H3 s) B( f
Source: The China Quarterly, No. 59 (Jul. - Sep., 1974), pp. 435-476' n0 X/ ~2 K' S. W$ B0 g2 R  C' l
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies
* c- _. d$ j; @' K
+ f; l2 v2 U3 M21. Politics and Social Status in China& J8 q! k6 I. D
Author(s): Gordon White
( o& r& t# I$ b+ X$ uSource: Pacific Affairs, Vol. 51, No. 4 (Winter, 1978-1979), pp. 561-584
" V% S6 o7 r0 a) [Published by: Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia+ X: S, n1 x. x

9 \" J& W$ w, W5 ^% @# m6 c$ _1 K. `) \22. The Changing Pattern of Rural Communes in Communist China
& c$ e( _; T: p; r9 V9 uAuthor(s): Chu-yuan Cheng3 V1 A5 c7 b: Y6 R- R
Source: Asian Survey, Vol. 1, No. 9 (Nov., 1961), pp. 3-94 B0 M) V' |/ j/ r8 b! Q  l' c! F& T* U
Published by: University of California Press
" T5 ?" K5 X1 g1 f$ a
/ i5 B; K  q' F7 J& p# k9 m- f' W
+ w* t: J) J# F23. The Role of the People's Commune in Rural Development in China6 y5 M$ G6 \- U
    * Greg O'Leary and Andrew Watson
) [7 c% q) Z5 u4 j( W7 |' X  X- C    * Pacific Affairs, Vol. 55, No. 4 (Winter, 1982-1983), pp. 593-612
1 h! F2 G# Z" @9 o2 l8 [, a: j    * Published by: Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia
2 X. o. ^0 J$ q* _& O+ Z- {+ ?$ f) j$ @/ ]  C+ t

. Z, k! u( u- c- @3 }24. Politics and Epistemology in China since Mao1 `; k# q- {: v2 \
    * Brantly Womack, B# H, t# r7 ]7 F3 }$ d
    * The China Quarterly, No. 80 (Dec., 1979), pp. 768-792
' x; E, n* q4 }    * Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies" ?9 V' d" X) x" T1 {

- M: l$ ~! |* r9 p9 S! F! m9 p25. The Structural Evolution of "Criticism and Self-Criticism", J0 h8 [* l" N- l
    * Lowell Dittmer/ r) Z# ]! g* T* ^6 q+ ^$ n
    * The China Quarterly, No. 56 (Oct. - Dec., 1973), pp. 708-729  ]1 j9 @% L/ m7 x" I! E6 q2 O
    * Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies
3 v! K9 n* U5 Z9 N* N8 q) ]( h' J
26.  "On China's Descending Spiral"
5 k/ F% K, c8 j5 }    * Alexander Eckstein, G. F. Hudson, L. La Dany, Choh-Ming Li, Michael Lindsay, Roderick MacLeish, Fran... more
  e! O# E( o" b& D$ e    * The China Quarterly, No. 12 (Oct. - Dec., 1962), pp. 19-53. t, ]# ~8 n9 n3 J
    * Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies
/ t  i' \4 L" t6 z* j7 S  k$ g6 \, f8 }
9 N. M3 a+ A1 m- Y
27. Party Views of Science: The Record from the First Decade& D- `2 R8 d% w; l8 G) Z
    * Richard P. Suttmeier) c' T' R6 d) r: N/ k8 |
    * The China Quarterly, No. 44 (Oct. - Dec., 1970), pp. 146-168
+ Q" x6 F* a0 C$ A& k3 l    * Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies
7 ]2 w. ?8 A: B/ d9 t
5 P/ I0 C$ E" x! Y28. Revolutionary Nation-Building: The Chinese Model: u$ r+ }7 R! G" X
    * R. G. Boyd8 R7 n4 v7 F; Q5 ?
    * International Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Winter, 1969/1970), pp. 69-93
6 M# W# l! g. {  h, B& K    * Published by: Canadian International Council4 z* V* r% f: w& p. M6 Q

0 g% J) G& @, z5 j& x, P9 F29. Political Assessment of Intellectuals before the Cultural Revolution
+ f9 J5 T( X- L! h3 \    * Sylvia Chan
) E8 |0 z2 s7 ^! r# j2 @$ ^4 L    * Asian Survey, Vol. 18, No. 9 (Sep., 1978), pp. 891-911- e8 }8 x# A+ G; R* c5 J! {  C
    * Published by: University of California Press4 r9 S" m! n: t3 X! V
# l% @7 e, A: l- R5 V% n8 E$ k# I
30. Salvaging Confucian Education (1949-1983)
. G' `/ H5 Z" ^5 g    * Kam Louie
  U# J3 [. H/ H% c+ C    * Comparative Education, Vol. 20, No. 1, Special Anniversary Number (8): Education in China (1984), p... more
, z% p6 j7 h5 v' X3 o    * Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
3 W0 G9 j$ L) W9 a' t3 f# x( @5 ?
; [+ C6 h- i1 v, E3 M8 m" @! l31. Mass Education in the Chinese Communes
8 I9 w9 Z; m! }: `0 a- i0 M    * George P. Jan2 h9 y0 P7 E( x5 I
    * Asian Survey, Vol. 4, No. 10 (Oct., 1964), pp. 1102-11145 |/ f6 N! j9 N3 m9 z+ h- w
    * Published by: University of California Press
, p; q7 z1 j! K# ?( m8 g
( |) o6 k" N9 H32. Rural Marketing in China: Repression and Revival( P9 f( E8 u9 r8 ^" Y
    * G. William Skinner* z: Q# ]5 G! D, O! u& O
    * The China Quarterly, No. 103 (Sep., 1985), pp. 393-413
" L8 m" @* q' a# o5 S' m1 W, r    * Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies
/ [4 j- |! X! i
5 \4 Q8 d2 }: A1 f4 N- b
$ Y: A/ V- D/ ?  v1 W; l33. Review: Peng Dehuai and Mao Zedong4 C1 H0 O/ `. Y1 r; Y
    * Frederick C. Teiwes
% ~- j" O5 \) w4 H  B    * The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, No. 16 (Jul., 1986), pp. 81-98
0 P2 E! W" f7 ?1 N0 r    * Published by: Contemporary China Center, Australian National University, I7 [4 Y& _  A. k

( h' \6 K& g& X34. The Semihierarchical Totalitarian Nature of Chinese Politics
  B2 ?4 p: E5 W# O# H6 U7 ]: I) @    * Weizhi Xie7 x7 u% ~& U9 ?: B: k- e
    * Comparative Politics, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Apr., 1993), pp. 313-330
* W- O+ m6 H" G) g2 ]    * Published by: Ph.D. Program in Political Science of the City University of New York5 B# F8 l$ F' c5 ^9 m% a* ^1 |
) K) ?4 M8 \( n& p. ]6 s
35. The Organisation and Development of Science5 |2 h; @8 v+ [& p7 O
    * John M. H. Lindbeck$ Z- g7 d7 x, K/ G/ }" X+ `
    * The China Quarterly, No. 6 (Apr. - Jun., 1961), pp. 98-132
3 }, D! g/ K4 J$ U$ M    * Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies! \3 i! h% g  E: I4 o0 ~, M$ d
2 T0 \8 R' H  I
36. An Exploration of the "Red-Expert" Issue in China Through Content Analysis3 r2 k% D& d, ^3 @$ C, L. u
    * John A. Kringen
8 q* p3 L* D0 n0 m* J7 I    * Asian Survey, Vol. 15, No. 8 (Aug., 1975), pp. 693-707
" @- W4 i0 }! P) q    * Published by: University of California Press' H" `% {8 F( ?( h" b( K
- }4 d! ]2 H* D3 t, l* y, V
37. Li Jingquan and the South-West Region, 1958-66: The Life and "Crimes" of a "Local Emperor"
0 q: r$ H! ]: _8 f. Z% u3 G0 j$ c' X    * David S. G. Goodman/ j# g* G  b  l" x3 ?( C% ?( V
    * The China Quarterly, No. 81 (Mar., 1980), pp. 66-96
- M! K/ e# ^. h' u; g    * Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies
3 W1 w) m. f8 b' W. l  f7 v5 T% g
38. Love Songs and the Great Leap: The Role of a Youth Culture in the Revolutionary Phase of China's Eco... more6 W7 Z, M5 \9 H, H+ a) _
    * C. Fred Blake2 P: @% ~: A+ p9 r. @
    * American Ethnologist, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Feb., 1979), pp. 41-54
: p/ j! \; ]" x+ t6 V* N# F7 p    * Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the American Anthropological Association
4 \8 w3 @" R& q) f$ W  }$ X
) w; i$ o$ K4 g+ R39. The Dismissal of Marshal P'eng Teh-huai
! d/ \  H( ?9 E. v4 W5 i    * David A. Charles0 d. N; e$ `: [- _
    * The China Quarterly, No. 8 (Oct. - Dec., 1961), pp. 63-76
7 {* c+ b6 \# H. v( L( C; f2 ^    * Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies

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