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发表于 2017-9-5 05:56:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

哈里斯 著 杨莉藜 译

右边的照片就是已故的韩丁(William Hinton),一位毛主义者。毛泽东的鞍前马后有一帮为其驱驰的西方傻瓜,韩丁和埃德加•斯诺、安娜•路易斯•斯特朗当为其中的翘楚。






上面我云里雾里地写了这么多,跟现在的中国能靠上什么边儿呢?且慢。上文的左侧的照片是卡玛. 辛顿(CarmaHinton),是韩丁的千金。卡玛继承了韩家拿虚拟作品当纪实作品写的家风,制作了宣传纪录片《八九点钟的太阳》。制片的资金是通过国家人文基金会(National Endowment for the Humanities)和美国公共广播公司(PBS)从你我这样的纳税人的口袋里掏去的。








China's Great Wall of Silence: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Benjamin Harris
Atright is the late William Hinton, Maoist. Along with Edgar Snow andAnna Louise Strong, Mr. Hinton was one of the most prominent of Mao'suseful western fools.
Accordingto his obituary in the Marxist journal Monthly Review, which he did somuch to aid and vice-versa, Hinton read Snow's fiction written asnonfiction Red Star Over China and the great man's chronicle "changedhis life." It changed his life says Monthly Review "from that of apacifist to that of a Marxist." The observant will notice M.R.'sdichotomy: pacifist at one end, Marxist on the other.

M.R. wasaccurate in making that dichotomy both in general and in Mr. Hinton'scase in particular for the latter praised Maoist murder from thestate's founding in 1949 through the Great Leap Forward, which costperhaps 30,000,000 lives, through the Cultural Revolution, a pup byMao's body count standards at only perhaps 3,000,000.

In 1972Hinton wrote Turning Point in China praising the C.R., regretting onlythat it did not meet all of its goals and blithely predicting thatChina would need many more cultural revolutions in the future.

Whenthe Great Henchman died and Deng Xiaoping began the process of stoppingthe Chinese Holocaust and putting China on the path to its currentastonishing economic recovery Mr. Hinton wrote an article in the worthyMonthly Review issuing the most damning accusation he could think of,that Deng had shifted "from the socialist road to the capitalist road."

In1993 on the 100th anniversary of Mao's birth Hinton and some of the oldgang got together in Beijing for a celebration. Hinton, according tohis obit in The Guardian, leaped onto the stage and began singing asong to the good old days. Bet there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Whatdoes this have to do with the price of tea in China? Above left isCarma Hinton, William's issue, who following in the family tradition offiction masquerading as nonfiction, produced the propa-docu filmMorning Sun, partly funded with my and your tax dollars through theNational Endowment for the (In)Humanities with additional funding byPBS.

What kind of quality controls are in place at NEH and PBS?How obvious was it that this was going to be a film of propaganda?Carma must have had on her resume or something that her father wasWilliam Hinton. If not a .4 second search on Google would have providedthe link.

The Chinese village that Mr. Hinton lived in andwrote about was called Longbow. The name of Carma Hinton's productioncompany is Longbow. William Hinton wrote glowingly about one of themost psychotic and murderous regimes in mankind's history; now hisdaughter comes hat-in-hand wanting tax dollars to make a film on theCultural Revolution. What?
Did NEH or PBS notice that the faces ofsome of the interviewees--all former Red Guards--were blacked out, a lamafia informers? Did they ask why that was necessary?

What didMargo Adler, a real, like journalist, think when she read the scriptand saw that Song Binbin was allowed to talk and talk and talk andissue laughingly preposterous denials of everything? Her journalist'shead didn't go "Hmm, something's fishy here,"? How could it not?

Who in Congress is responsible for oversight of NEH and PBS? Do they know about the outrage that is Morning Sun?
Didn'tanybody think before giving approval for funding that maybe the endproduct would be a little...slanted... when produced by Carma Hinton?

Nextup from NEH and PBS: Allesandra Mussolini's documentary The Trains Ranon Time a moving examination of life in fascist Italy.

From Author's Blog
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Our URL: http://www.observechina.net


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