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Collection of Clippings on Overseas Chinese  at Hong Kong Baptist Univ









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Collection of Clippings on Overseas Chinese
at Hong Kong Baptist University Library
Shirley W. Leung
Irene S. M. Wong
Kit Wah Lee
Hong Kong Baptist University

        The objective of this report is to introduce the Hong Kong Baptist University Library Collection of clippings on Overseas Chinese with two goals.  The first is to publicize and promote this collection for use by students, scholars, and researchers interested in the topic of Overseas Chinese, and the second is to explore opportunities for collaborative efforts in enhancing the collection  accessibility.
A brief introduction
        The collection contains 707 files, each with an average of 200-250 pages. It is also available on 141 microfilm reels.  The clippings were taken from approximately 230 Chinese language newspapers and 40 periodicals, published in 17 countries or regions: Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma, Macao, Malaysia, Japan, India, Canada, and USA.  As shown in Appendix A, Hong Kong and China publications received more comprehensive and sustained attention than those of other countries.  There may be a number of reasons for the uneven coverage.  One would be the ephemeral nature of the source newspapers and periodicals, as they were Chinese language materials published locally in the Chinese communities in the countries involved.  Furthermore, it should be taken into consideration that there was probably no organized dissemination method or structure for a good number of these publications.
        The years of coverage also varied considerably with some titles spanning a twenty-one year period and others limited to only one year.  Overall, the collection covered a twenty-one year period from 1950-1971, presenting information on a tumultuous and dynamic period of political, social, and economic changes and developments in the history of China and Overseas Chinese.  With the founding of the People  Republic of China and the retreat of the Nationalist Government to Taiwan in 1949, there were major efforts on both sides to woo Overseas Chinese for political, economical, social, and cultural reasons.
        The files were categorized into (1) Chinese -- Foreign countries -- Government policy -- Taiwan; (2) Chinese -- Foreign countries -- Government policies -- China; and (3) Chinese in different foreign countries (sub-categorized by country).  A perusal of the clippings in the collection showed several areas of focus:
Chinese education of Overseas Chinese in the countries they settled: These clippings would be useful in studies and research of problems and issues related to studies of Chinese language education, history of Overseas Chinese education, as well as government policies towards Chinese and Chinese education in the countries of settlement.
Economic status of the Overseas Chinese and their contributions to the economy of the countries they settled.  The entrepreneurial, industrious, and perseverant attributes of Overseas Chinese as well as their business acumen have been commonly acknowledged over time in conjunction with their economic success to their adopted countries, especially in Southeast Asia.  The clippings in this collection would add information resources to studies on this topic.
Government policies towards the Chinese who had settled in their country and the relationships between the native citizens and citizens of Chinese ethnic origin. The clippings on this topic would focus on government polices in some of the countries covered as well as on anti-Chinese incidents and practices.
Organizations and associations of Overseas Chinese and their activities in the countries they settled. The nature and frequency of these activities would shed light on their relationships or interactions with the China and the Taiwan governments.
The Overseas Chinese clippings collection: a subset of a larger clippings collection
        The HKBU collection of clippings on Overseas Chinese is a small subset of a large collection of clippings on China, made up of 11,900 files.  Out of this group, it appears that 8,627 files, or about 72.5%, have been microfilmed (see Appendix B).  The collection as a whole was purchased by Hong Kong Baptist University in the mid-1980  from the Union Research Institute (Yu lien yen chiu so -- óÑ áa ÑD ¾¿ Ëù).  This organization was actively involved in gathering information on the People  Republic of China from the years of 1950-1975, essentially the period of its grand isolation from much of the Western world and during a time when internal events and developments were closely guarded.  It has been alleged that many of the source newspapers and periodicals were taken out of China clandestinely to Hong Kong.  Apparently, with the gradual opening of China in the mid 1970 , the need for having an information gathering organization such as the Union Research Institute was diminished.  Although efforts were made by the Union Research Institute to find a home for the collection in the United States, including negotiations with several US research libraries, the decision was eventually made to keep the collection in Hong Kong.
        In conversation with some library colleagues with subject expertise in Chinese studies, we were given the impression that the entire collection of clippings file of the Union Research Institute was microfilmed and, therefore, already held by a number of large U.S. research libraries with strong East Asian studies.  Although we made the effort of searching OCLC and the online public access catalogs of several libraries, the results were not conclusive.  The only accurate way to ascertain the microform holdings of this collection by major U.S. East Asia libraries would be to enlist the assistance of the libraries themselves by having their staff verify their holdings.  In the process of checking the microform holdings of several libraries against their own online public access catalogs, we did recently discover that the Chinese University of Hong Kong has a good portion of the clippings file on microfilm, including the files on the Overseas Chinese.  Appendix B lists HKBU Library  holdings of Union Research Institute  Clippings Collection.  At the same time, we were surprised to find that approximately 27.5% of HKBU  clippings file may be a unique information resource, that is, no microfilm copies have been made at all.  These include 2,581 files of two subject categories, one on Taiwan and the other on International Affairs, as well as 692 files of other subject categories which were compiled in the 1970s.
        The HKBU Library has maintained a clippings program from 1985 to 1998 focusing on topics related to China studies.  Ten major newspapers from Hong Kong were systematically clipped.  One area receiving special attention was information related to the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong to China in July 1997.  In 1998 we established an indexed Contemporary China Newspapers Clippings Database (CCNC).  Users can now retrieve appropriate citations of clippings of 1992, 1996 and 1997 by searching the headlines, authors, newspaper titles, publication date, and/or subject headings.  We do plan to add citation records for the earlier years and up to the end of 1998.
Complementary research areas:  clippings on Overseas Chinese and the larger collection of clippings on China
        The HKBU Library collection of clippings on Overseas Chinese would be especially valuable when used with the larger clippings collection on China compiled by the Union Research Institute.   These may include:
China and Taiwan governments' policies toward Overseas Chinese --At the early years of its establishment, the Chinese Government made active outreach efforts to win the support and recognition of the Overseas Chinese.  It also needed their help in dealing with the country  enormous economic problems.  As a result, the government organized many visitation tours for Overseas Chinese with the goal of encouraging them to invest in China.  The Taiwan government, then the Republic of China, made similar efforts. Consequently, the two governments kept modifying their policies concerning Overseas Chinese in their countries to capture and sustain their support.   Through the study of these changing policies, changes in policy by the two governments concerning Overseas Chinese would be better understood.
Foreign relations between China and other countries and impact of such relations on Overseas Chinese in the countries involved.  As the term  verseas Chinese?is often used to include two groups: those who have some attachment to China or Taiwan and those who are the citizens of their adopted country, either by naturalization or by birth.
Education of Overseas Chinese in China and Taiwan ?both governments provided ample studying opportunity for Overseas Chinese.  Did this strategy strengthen the relationships of the two governments with Overseas Chinese and what contributions did these Overseas Chinese make to China, Taiwan, and their host or adopted countries are topics of interest in studies related to Overseas Chinese at large.
As many Overseas Chinese regularly sent money back to their family members in China and Taiwan, the two governments?policies on remittance often affected the economic and political conditions of the Chinese recipients of remittance.  Moreover, as the two governments were in much need of funds for reconstruction in the 1950 , they encouraged Overseas Chinese to buy government bonds.  Thus, the tripartite relationship between remittance policy, government bonds, and government financial policies are of potential interest to historians and scholars of Overseas Chinese studies.

Efforts to publicize the HKBU Library  collection of Overseas Chinese clippings
        We have done some preliminary work in preparation of our desire to publicize, promote, and make more accessible the use of the HKBU Library  collection of  Overseas Chinese materials through our homepage.  The first effort was conducting a methodical inventory of our complete holdings of materials in the larger Union Research Institute collection, including the Overseas Chinese materials.  In the process, we have also discovered that a small portion of our microfilm holdings has developed the  inegar Syndrome? a common term to describe the deterioration of acetate film .  According to preservation specialists, while it is possible to slow the deterioration of acetate film, the only long-term solution is reduplicaton onto polyester-based film.  Our discovery of this problem duely raised the uncomfortable question of how extensive is this  inegar Syndrome?problem and what may be the best long-term solution.  Should we reduplicate the entire microfilm collection onto polyester-based film?  Does this mean all the libraries which currently hold some portions or the entire set of microform collection purchased from the Union Research Institute should be aware of this problem and deal with the problem individually?
        The second effort, initiated recently, was to request from several vendors in Hong Kong and China for cost proposal to digitize the Overseas Chinese subset.  In tandem with this effort, we have also written to nineteen major Hong Kong and Taiwan newspaper and periodical publishers for permission to make available the full-text newspaper articles through the Internet/WWW.  We only contacted these nineteen because the remaining fifty-five were not locatable or the publications had been discontinued.  Out of the ten responses received to date, one has decided to withhold such permission and two have given us permission to make full-text articles available to the HKBU academic community only.
         To date we have received cost proposals from four vendors, two in Hong Kong and two in China.  One of the Hong Kong vendors, with experience in digitizing technical reports and files of several Hong Kong government agencies, has provided us with a more detailed  proposal than the others.  The data conversion approach they proposed will involve the converting of newspaper articles from microfilm format to electronic format, and then extracting the indexing information and the contents from the electronic format into the database for searching and retrieval.  Although two methods may be used:  (1) OCR and creating index fields for the articles, and (2) scanning the full-text content of the articles, this vendor is not recommending the OCR method after examining the sample microfilm we provided.  We are in the process of analyzing the cost proposals to make meaningful comparisons.
        In summary, the HKBU Library is keenly interested in making its clippings on Overseas Chinese more readily accessible to students, scholars, and researchers. We would especially welcome partnership or cooperative opportunities so that we may be a member of an information network of Overseas Chinese information resources.  We welcome all comments and suggestions.

Appendix A: Newspapers and Periodicals Used for the Overseas Chinese Clippings


大公报    [1950-71]    工商日报    [1950-71]
中南日报    [1953]    中声晚报    [1952-55]
公教报    [1956-70]    天天日报    [1968-71]
天文台报    [1953-71]    文汇报(香港)    [1950-71]
民声报    [1952]    自由人报    [1952-59]
自然日报    [1951-56]    呼声报    [1952]
明报    [1962-71]    星岛日报    [1951-72]
星岛晚报    [1952-71]    香港中国学生周报    [1953]
香港时报    [1951-71]    香港商报    [1970-71]
香港教育周报    [1955]    真报    [1968]
真报夜刊    [1956-59]    劳工报(香港)    [1956]
循环日报    [1960]    晶报    [1960-70]
华侨日报    [1950-71]    新民报    [1962-63]
新生晚报    [1953-71]    新晚报    [1952-71]
新报    [1962-70]    联合报(香港)    [1955-71]
联合评论    [1962-64]    China Mail    [1968-69]
South China Morning Post    [1962-70]    Hong Kong Standard    [1955-70]

工商观察    [1953-60]    中国之声    [1951-53]
今日世界    [1953-70]    自由阵线    [1950-59]
明报月刊    [1967-71]    长城内外    [1964]
周末报(周刊)    [1952-63]    新闻天地    [1950-70]
万象    [1961]    经济导报    [1950-71]
远东观察(半月刊)    [1963]    Far Eastern Economic Review    [1959-69]
The Asia Magazine    [1962-63]        

文教通讯社稿    [1956]    香港自联通讯社稿    [1953-55]
新华社电讯    [1962-67]        

Current Scene News Feture Article: Developments in Communist China written by Kenneth Priestley, M.A., Development of Education, University of Hong Kong on 19 January, 1960.


人民日报(北京)    [1950-71]    上海晚报(上海)    [1966-67]
大公报(天津)    [1955-70]    大公报(北京)    [1956-70]
大南山报    [1959]    大众日报(济南)    [1952-66]
山西日报    [1951-59]    工人之路报(蒙古)    [1961-62]
工人日报(北京)    [1951-66]    中国青年报(北京)    [1953-66]
中苏友好报(北京)    [1952-57]    今日新闻(北京)    [1962-67]
天津日报    [1950-64]    文汇报(上海)    [1950-66]
北京日报    [1956-68]    北京晚报    [1958-63]
台山报(广东)    [1957]    四川日报(成都)    [1955-60]
甘肃日报    [1952-58]    光明日报(北京)    [1950-70]
吉林日报    [1954-57]    同声(福建)    [1960]
安徽日报    [1952-59]    成都日报    [1957-58]
江西日报    [1954-59]    汕头报    [1957]
羊城晚报(广东)    [1957-66]    西安日报    [1956-58]
批廖战报(北京)    [1967]    杭州日报    [1956-71]
武汉晚报(湖北)    [1961]    河北日报    [1954-59]
河南日报    [1952-58]    长江日报    [1950-59]
长江日报    [1950-59]    长江乡讯(福建)    [1960]
长春日报    [1956-58]    青年报(上海)    [1953-61]
青年报(广州)    [1958]    青岛日报    [1952-59]
南方日报(广州)    [1950-70]    南安侨讯(福建)    [1959-60]
南京日报    [1956-58]    哈尔滨日报    [1954-59]
泉州日报    [1964]    红电讯    [1968]
红卫报(广州)    [1966]    重庆日报    [1956-59]
旅大日报    [1956-61]    晋江乡讯    [1960]
桃源(福建)    [1960]    海丰报(广东)    [1957]
浙江工人报    [1956-57]    浙江日报    [1950-59]
高要农民报    [1956-58]    妇侨与侨乡(广州)    [1956]
教师报(北京)    [1956-58]    晨报    [1964]
梅县建设报(北京)    [1957]    陆丰报    [1957]
无锡工人生活    [1957]    开平农民报    [1956-57]
云南日报    [1954-59]    黑龙江日报    [1954-63]
厦门日报    [1951-63]    新中华报    [1955]
新民晚报(上海)    [1954-66]    新海南报(海口)    [1954-58]
新湖南报(长沙)    [1954-59]    新华日报(重庆)    [1950-54]
新华日报(南京)    [1950-66]    新华月报    [1956-58]
新闻日报(上海)    [1952-59]    新疆日报    [1951-59]
粤西农民报    [1952-55]    解放日报(上海)    [1950-64]
侨乡报(福州)    [1958-65]    宁波报    [1957]
漳属乡讯(福建)    [1960]    福建日报    [1952-61]
福建侨乡(福州)    [1956-57]    福清乡讯(福建)    [1960]
闽中日报    [1958]    闽西日报    [1958]
韶关报    [1956]    齐齐哈尔报    [1956-57]
广州日报    [1952-66]    广西日报    [1953-64]
广东侨报(广州)    [1956-59]    抚顺日报    [1956-57]
澄海报    [1957]    郑州日报    [1955-58]
鞍山日报    [1956-58]    辽宁日报    [1956-60]
济南日报(山东)    [1957-58]    穗郊农民报    [1959]
沈阳日报    [1956-59]    鹭风(福建)    [1958-60]

人民教育(月刊)    [1951-55]    工商界(月刊)    [1954-58]
中国青年(半月刊)    [1950-66]    中国妇女(半月刊)    [1958-66]
支农红旗(广州)    [1967]    民主评论    [1955-58]
政治学习(月刊)    [1955-59]    新南开(天津)    [1967]
新建设(月刊)    [1950-66]    新观察(半月刊)    [1950-60]
侨务报(双月刊)(北京)    [1956-65]    侨务报(月刊)(广东)    [1956-58]
China Reconstructs    [1967]    Peking Review(Peking)    [1960-71]


中国新闻通讯稿(广州) [1956-71] 华侨投资手册(广东) [1959]
华侨救国联合总会第一次代表大会决议案简编 [1957]


中央日报    [1952-72]    公论报    [1954-61]
民族晚报    [1955]    新生报    [1955-71]
联合报(台湾)    [1955-71]        

人生(半月刊)    [1955]    中共研究月刊    [1969-71]
中国一周    [1955]    今日大陆(半月刊)    [1963-68]
台湾中国文摘    [1950]    台湾自由青年(旬刊)    [1953-58]
民主宪政    [1959]    自由中国    [1953-59]
问题与研究(月刊)    [1963-70]    教育与文化    [1956]
毕业侨生(月刊)    [1959]    华侨文教会议月刊    [1955]
华侨周刊    [1954]    侨生通讯    [1959-60]
侨讯(半月刊)    [1959-62]        

台湾大道通讯社稿    [1953]    台湾远东新闻社稿    [1955]
华侨通讯社稿    [1955]        


中兴日报    [1956]    民报    [1962-65]
南方晚报    [1956]    南洋商报    [1954-70]
星洲日报    [1953-66]    海星报    [1955]
阵线报    [1955]    马华论坛报    [1955]
创造    [1955]   

南洋年鉴    [1951]        



大中华日报(马尼拉)    [1952-58]    公理报    [1955]
晨报(岷里拉)    [1957-58]    华侨商报(马尼拉)    [1954-56]
新闻日报(岷里拉)    [1954-70]    China Mail(Manila)    [1955]

华侨周刊The Chinese Weekly    [1957]    新闽日报(岷里拉)杂志    [1967-70]


中华商报(耶加达)    [1956-58]    天声日报(印尼)    [1956-58]
自由日报(印尼)    [1956-60]    青光日报(印尼)    [1955]
前锋日报(古晋)    [1956]    新中华报(印尼)    [1955]
新报(耶加达)    [1956-57]    侨声报(印尼)    [1956]
苏岛时报(印尼)    [1955-57]        

大道新闻(耶加达)    [1955]        


中原报    [1955-56]    民主日报(曼谷)    [1952-55]
民主晚报(曼谷)    [1952-55]    各华文报(曼谷)    [1956]
星泰晚报(曼谷)    [1952-70]    星暹日报(曼谷)    [1952-71]
暹京中原晚报(曼谷)    [1954-56]        


时代日报(永珍)    [1969]    华侨新闻(永珍)    [1952-71]


大夏日报(堤岸)    [1954-55]    工人报(西贡)    [1955-56]
中国日报(堤岸)    [1953-56]    中国书报(堤岸)    [1955]
世界报/世界日报(堤岸)    [1955-61]    光华日报(堤岸)    [1955]
成功日报(堤岸)    [1955-70]    每日论坛(堤岸)    [1953-54]
亚洲日报(堤岸)    [1955-58]    越南时报(堤岸)    [1954]
越华晚报(堤岸)    [1956]    新越华报(越南)    [1966]
新闻日报(堤岸)    [1954]    新声日报    [1956]
万国日报晚刊(堤岸)    [1955]    群声日报(堤岸)    [1955]
远东日报(堤岸)    [1954-55]        

自由太平洋(月刊)    [1962]        


人民报(仰光)    [1955-65]    中国日报(仰光)    [1955-58]
民众呼声报(仰光)    [1955-58]    自由日报(仰光)    [1954-64]
亚洲日报(缅甸)    [1957-58]        


中国报(吉隆坡)    [1952-71]    中华日报(沙劳越)    [1962-66]
民众报(沙劳越)    [1962-65]    光华日报(槟城)    [1962-65]
亚庇商报(北婆罗洲)    [1962-65]    虎报(吉隆坡)    [1961-64]
前锋日报(沙老越)    [1962-64]    劲报(吉隆坡)    [1955]
南洋商报(吉隆坡)    [1968-70]    建国日报(怡报)    [1956]
星洲日报(吉隆坡)    [1953-70]    星槟日报(吉隆坡)    [1969]
星槟日报(槟城)    [1956-70]    砂民日报(沙劳越)    [1962]
美里日报(沙劳越)    [1962]    马来亚通报(吉隆坡)    [1961]
婆罗洲时报(山打根)    [1962-67]    劳工报(马来亚)    [1962]
华侨日报(北婆罗洲)    [1962-65]    新路报(吉隆坡)    [1952]
新闻报(沙劳越)    [1962]    镜报(马来亚)    [1955]

《事实胜过雄辩--关于华文教育问题》--马来亚司法部长郭梁宇皋关于华文教育的谈话 [1961]


三民晨报(芝加哥)    [1956]    世界日报(三藩)    [1962]
自由中国日报(美国)    [1955-56]    亚洲日报(纽约)    [1959]
金山时报(三藩)    [1955-56]    美洲华侨日报(纽约)    [1962]
国民日报(旧金山)    [1954-55]    华美日报(纽约)    [1959]
联合日报(纽约)    [1962]    The Chinese World(San Francisco)    [1962]

大华周刊(纽约)    [1962]    中美周报(纽约)    [1962]
The China Quarterly(London)    [1962]        


南京大地报    [1954]    扬华侨报    [1968]

工商日报(金边)    [1962-67]    金巴南洋周报    [1954]
金边日报(高棉)    [1954-56]    棉华日报(金边)    [1956-60]
湄江日报(金边)    [1957-58]    环球日报(金边)    [1956]

大汉公报    [1962-70]    中兴报    [1954]
新民国报(渥太华)    [1962]    侨声日报(渥太华)    [1962]

人生漫谈(五月刊)    [1962]        

印度日报    [1959-67]    印度尼西亚日报    [1959]

民日报    [1959-63]    华侨报    [1962]
澳门日报    [1959-71]        

Appendix B: Overview of Holdings of HKBU Library's Collection of Union Research Institute Clippings on China, 1950-1975
Subject Categories    No. of Files, 1950-1975     No. of MF reels, 1950-1975
1. Politics     2,385     278 (28)*
2. Social Sciences     2,385     88 (13)*
3. Armed Forces     388     62 (9)*
4. Economics     3,547     649 (38)*
5. Civilization & Education    1,946     317 (38)*
6. Overseas Chinese     707    141 (4)*
7. Recording of Broadcasting    346    39
8. Taiwan     940     --
9. International Affairs     1,641     --
10. Profile **     --     87
Total     11,900 #     1,661 (130)*

HKBU Library has 1st ed. (1957) and 2nd ed. (1962) of the indexes to the clippings files.
* Number of microfilms with Vinegar Syndrome
** Index cards of English biographical information on different people
# Among the ten subject categories, all 2,581 files of Taiwan and International Affairs clippings and 692 files of the remaining subject categories compiled in the 1970s are not microfilmed.


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