[1]“三合会( the Triad) ”国家指美国、欧盟15 国、日本等世界主要经济体。在1980—1990 年代,这些国家在全球经济地理中表现为世界经济体系的三极。——译者注
[2]Samir Amin,“Révolution ou Decadence? La Crise du Système Impérialiste Contemporain et Celle de l’Empire Romain”,Review:A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center 4,No. 1,1980,pp. 155 - 67.
[3]Samir Amin,Ending Capitalism or Ending the Crisis of Capitalism?,Victoria Bawtree ( trans. ) , Oxford, UK: Pambazuka,2011.
[4]Samir Amin,The Law of Worldwide Value,Brian Pearce andShane Mage( trans. ) ,New York: Monthly Review Press,2010,pp. 135 - 144.
[5]Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees,Our Ecological Footprint:Reducing Human Impact on the Earth,Gabriola Island,Canada:New Society,1996; Franois Houtart,Agrofuels: Big Profits,RuinedLives and Ecological Destruction,Victoria Bawtree ( trans. ) ,New York: Pluto,2010; John Bellamy Foster,Marx’s Ecology:Materialism and Nature, New York: Monthly Review Press,2000.
[6]Samir Amin,Eurocentrism,Russell Moore and James Membrez( trans. ) ,New York: Monthly Review Press,2009.